“Catherine Gallogly has poignant, disarmingly matter-of-fact stories to tell about assisting
people as they prepare for death…She captures exquisitely personal moments--as when a dying
old man and his wife nuzzle like adolescents--with simple, well-chosen details that leave room
for an audience member's imagination...cabaret songs are performed well by Gallogly's
daughter Ann.”
- Justin Hayford, Chicago Reader
“‘Tying Up Loose Ends’ was one of the most profound, beautiful productions that Village
Players was proud to host. We have never had an evening that touched people so deeply.”
- Jack Crowe, Village Players Theater Board Member
“The performance of ‘Tying Up Loose Ends...Stories of Undying Love’ evoked an energy
unlike anything any of the three of us have seen at a networking event. The CNO from a NM
hospital told me. ‘I can go home now. This was the best thing I’ve experienced at a conference. I
was really looking forward to it and it was everything I hoped.’”
- Mary Longe, Director at American Hospital Association
“This is a show that deserves to be seen.”
- J. Peter Clark, Audience Member
“What a great play last night. It fed my soul -- and made me laugh -- like nothing else has in a
very long time...What a lovely testament to the legacy of extraordinary ordinary people --
a legacy I'm guessing they had no idea they were leaving...You combine humor, depth and
compassion in a way that is all too rare these days. It was the highlight of my week!
- Mary Stainton, Audience Member
“I can barely find the words to describe how moved I was...It brought back so many of the
amazing memories I had working. And [Ann's] beautiful songs added something very special to
the whole production.”
- Gerrianne Koval, Audience Member